
Antonia Moreira
Thursday, February 9, 2023
Advocate Antonia Moreira is currently participating in the Human Rights Advocates Program (HRAP). She is the Director of Strategy at Atelier TRANSmoras Association in Brazil. 
Why did you apply to HRAP?
Wednesday, February 8, 2023

2017 Advocate Lenny Emson has been appointed Executive Director of TGEU. Lenny said: "It’s a great responsibility and an honour to join the TGEU team and to work for the future of trans communities in Europe and Central Asia. TGEU is a strategically important organisation that strives to improve the situation for trans people in the region, support our communities, and lead the change.

Monday, February 6, 2023

ISHR congratulates the 2022 Human Rights Research Award recipients: Akosua Akuoko, Giulia Campos, and Stephanie Starzynski. This award allows students to gain valuable research experience while supporting the work of Columbia faculty conducting human rights-related research.  

Akosua Akuoko

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

The Institute for the Study of Human Rights at Columbia University is looking for a qualified human rights instructor to teach the following course during the Summer 2023 term, with the possibility of continued teaching in subsequent semesters. 

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

2022-23 Advocate Sharma Aurélien discussed the alarming increase in sexual violence and domestic abuse in Haiti in a recent opinion piece in the Miami Herald.