Doing Good Through Podcasting

Wednesday, October 30, 2019 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

In the last few years, podcasting as a medium and an industry has grown at an unprecedented rate. As the types of podcasts that are being released continue to diversify, we're seeing more people take the initiative to use podcasting as a means to discuss issues that aren't being addressed elsewhere. When it comes to human rights issues, particularly those that have not been picked up by mainstream media sources, podcasting becomes an important tool for amplifying human rights issues to wide audiences. This is something that Saadia Khan, the host of the podcast Immigrantly, knows very well. Saadia did her Masters in Human Rights Studies from GSAS. She started Immigrantly in the fall of 2018 to showcase the idiosyncrasies of every immigrant story. Saadia's experiences in the world of human rights directly inform her podcasting, and she's excited to discuss these topics on October 30th!

The Immigrantly Podcast is a weekly podcast that captures raw and honest accounts of the lives and struggles of first generation immigrants or their second generation children in an intensely personal way.

The podcast has featured conversations with people like Malaka Gharib, author of I Was Their American Dream, Jade Chang, author of The Wangs vs the World, Rowaida Abdel Aziz, reporter for HuffPost, Aymann Ismail, writer for Slate and host of the podcast “Man Up”, Juan Escalante, writer and immigration activist, Nisha Sharma, RITA award winner and author of My So-Called Bollywood Life, and many others.