Steering Committee

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Elazar Barkan
Elazar Barkan
International and Public Affairs and Director of SIPA's Human Rights and Humanitarian Policy Concentration
Jackie Dugard
Senior Lecturer in the discipline of Human Rights and Director of Graduate Studies
Institute for the Study of Human Rights
Department of Political Science
Yasmine Ergas
Yasmine Ergas
Director of the Specialization on Gender and Public Policy and Senior Lecturer in Discipline of International and Public Affairs
School of International and Public Affairs
Qin Gao
Professor of Social Policy and Social Work and Associate Dean for Doctoral Education at the Columbia University School of Social Work and the Founding Director of the Columbia China Center for Social Policy
School of Social Work
Pamela Graham
Center for Human Rights Documentation & Research
David J. Knight
Assistant Professor of Sociology and Faculty Research Fellow in the Department of African American and African Diaspora Studies/Institute for Research on African American Studies
Institute for the Study of Human Rights
Claudio Lomnitz
Campbell Family Professor and Chair of the Department of Anthropology
Paul Martin
J. Paul Martin
Former Director of the Center for the Study of Human Rights
Glenn Mitoma
Lecturer in the Discipline of Human Rights and Director of Undergraduate Studies
Institute for the Study of Human Rights
Andrew Nathan
Andrew Nathan
Class of 1919 Professor of Political Science
Political Science
Bruce Robbins
Old Dominion Foundation Professor in the Humanities
Department of English & Comparative Literature
Joseph Slaughter
Director, Institute for the Study of Human Rights and Associate Professor of English and Comparative Literature
Department of English & Comparative Literature
Jack Snyder
Robert and Renée Belfer Professor of International Relations
Department of Political Science