African Renaissance in the United States of Africa: A Historical and Political Approach of a Pan Africanist Vision of Africa

TitleAfrican Renaissance in the United States of Africa: A Historical and Political Approach of a Pan Africanist Vision of Africa
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsJohanna Menda'a Tadadjeu, Nzino Munongo Victorine Ghislaine
JournalJournal of Pan African Studies

The focus of this study is to bring out an appropriate methodology and present the function of universities in discussing the need for a collective and institutional portage of the United States of Africa and African Renaissance offers a social, cultural and economic vision of Africa, whereas, the United States of Africa presents an essentially political view of Africa. We insist that be a vision, because of its remote nature from the daily masses concerns, needs specific treatment to gradually take root in the collective memory and serve as a compass for the future. Second, we place particular emphasis on the function of the historical African communities scattered around the world with Africa as their original geographic base. Thus we argue that a collective portage of the binomial concept of African Renaissance-United States of Africa should stimulate the large constitutive movement for African people eager to live together as one, although scattered throughout the world.

Short TitleAfrican Renaissance in the United States of Africa