And in the Future I Don't Remember What Happened Yet: A Back and Forth on the Experience of Memory in relay

TitleAnd in the Future I Don't Remember What Happened Yet: A Back and Forth on the Experience of Memory in relay
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsMarie Claire Forté, Jacob Zimmer
JournalCanadian Theatre Review

Abstract Abstract: A dialogue between performer Marie Claire Forté and dramaturge Jacob Zimmer about modes of memory in Ame Henderson/Public Recordings’ relay. Starting from the beginning of the development process and ending up at the performance and touring of the work, they discuss the act of dancers remembering past works on stage and in rehearsal. The focus is on the experience of doing (from Forté’s perspective) and of watching (from Zimmer’s). Issues of distance, ownership, and the dancer’s body as archive emerge from the task of embodying previous works. The role of memory is also important as a touchstone for “futuring”—a system developed in relay for approaching present unison by trying to be together in the future. The role of confidence in the act and performance

Short TitleAnd in the Future I Don't Remember What Happened Yet
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