Andrej Hlinka in the Collective Memory of Slovak Protestants

TitleAndrej Hlinka in the Collective Memory of Slovak Protestants
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsPeter Macho

The present paper maps the portrayal of Andrej Hlinka within the Protestant milieu during his lifetime. It also tries to answer the question of Hlinka’s position in the hierarchy of symbols which were and are relevant for the formation of the Slovak Protestants’ identity. Nowadays, ambivalent or expressly negative att itudes towards Hlinka prevail within the Lutheran community, however, similar att itudes prevailed also during the interwar and aft er-war periods.In 1902 at the regional forum, A. Hlinka did not support the rights of the Slovak language which represented a major att ribute of the national identity of Slovaks. Hlinka’s [...]