Beyond Political Correctness Remapping German Sensibilities in the 21st Century.

TitleBeyond Political Correctness Remapping German Sensibilities in the 21st Century.
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsChristine Anton, Frank Pilipp
ISBN Number978-90-420-3198-2 90-420-3198-0

The articles assembled in this book discuss important questions about German society and the very notion of what being German means in the age of globalization and the vanishing of nation-states in a continuously strengthening European Union; the question about what is German culture in a postmodern era; and how the past affects and shapes the present and future of hybrid German generations. Taking into account not only national but also transnational and recent global develop|#x00AD;ments and concomitant critical debates, this book continues to engage in the discourses of rethinking German national.