The Changing Face of Money: Forging Collective Memory with Chinese Banknote Designs

TitleThe Changing Face of Money: Forging Collective Memory with Chinese Banknote Designs
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsTim F. Liao, Tim F. Cuntong Wang
JournalConference Papers -- American Sociological Association

In this paper we study the Chinese banknote designs since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949. We first analyze the six editions (five issued and one unissued editions) of banknotes in the theoretical tradition for studying world society and its cultural shifts. The Chinese banknotes, however, are found to go against the general trend of moving from designs featuring traditional goals and state actors to postmaterialist goals and individual actors. To help explain this phenomenon, we apply a theoretical model built upon the literature on collective focus and social relational contexts (as informed by Weber) to the Chinese currency for a better understanding of the changes in Chinese banknote designs. The Chinese banknotes made the transition from having a multiple focus to showing a singular focus. We discuss banknote design as a collective memory project and the transition in collective focus as a way of managing such a project.

Short TitleThe Changing Face of Money