Conmemoraciones del cuarto y quinto centenario del "12 de octubre de 1492": debates sobre la identidad americana. (Spanish)

TitleConmemoraciones del cuarto y quinto centenario del "12 de octubre de 1492": debates sobre la identidad americana. (Spanish)
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsSandra Patricia Rodríguez
JournalThe Fourth- and Fifth-Centenary Commemorations of "October 12, 1492": Debating American Identity. (English)

This article compares the centenary commemorations of October 12th carried out in 1892 and 1992. It shows how the continental-wide celebrations arose in the context of debates about American identity in which diverse actors struggled to promote their own interpretations of the past. They strategically employed celebrations, duels, objects, and memory-jarring symbolic inscriptions to symbolically control the past. (English)

Short TitleConmemoraciones del cuarto y quinto centenario del "12 de octubre de 1492"