Copper, Cowboys, and Converts: Resurrecting Arizona "Ghost" Towns

TitleCopper, Cowboys, and Converts: Resurrecting Arizona "Ghost" Towns
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016

abstract: In Arizona, people flock the streets of Tombstone in droves, chatting in period costume while gunshots ring down the street. Others in Bisbee walk in the Queen Mine, listening to the tour guide discuss how the miners extracted ore. Still others drive up the precarious road to Jerome, passing through the famed Grand Hotel. As former Arizona mining towns, Tombstone, Jerome and Bisbee have a shared identity as former mining boomtowns, all of which experienced subsequent economic and population decline. Left with the need to reinvent themselves in order to survive, the past takes on a different role in [...]

Short TitleCopper, Cowboys, and Converts