The Enduring Social Psychology of Robert K. Merton: Motivating Sentiments, Reference Groups and Self-Fulfilling Prophecies

TitleThe Enduring Social Psychology of Robert K. Merton: Motivating Sentiments, Reference Groups and Self-Fulfilling Prophecies
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsLawrence1, Nichols
JournalAmerican Sociologist

Robert K. Merton (1910-2003) gained renown as a distinguished sociologist, especially in connection with the paradigm of 'structural-functionalism' and he publicly self-identified as a 'structuralist.' This paper calls attention to an emphasis in Merton's work that sociologists have often overlooked, namely, his social psychology. I argue that, throughout his long career, Merton consistently pursued social psychological issues, including how non-logical action, appeals to shared sentiments and collective definitions of situations affect life in organized groups. I shall characterize his earlier analyses as 'Harvard style,' and his later social psychological works as 'Chicago style,' as a heuristic means of calling attention to interesting variations in framing. Merton's formulations have impacted numerous subfields of sociology, and some (e.g., 'self-fulfilling prophecies,' 'the Matthew Effect') remain influential even today. Examining Merton's social psychology will contribute both to a fuller appreciation of his career and also to a more complete history of social science in the United States.

Short TitleThe Enduring Social Psychology of Robert K. Merton