Exploring Historical Memory in a Community College Survey Class

TitleExploring Historical Memory in a Community College Survey Class
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsEdward L. Bates
JournalJournal of American Ethnic History

The article discusses the author's use of the films "The Martyrs of the Alamo" directed by Christy Cabanne and "The Alamo" directed by John Lee Hancock to teach the concept of historical memory in a community college survey course. It is suggested that viewing and discussing these films can help students understand how film depictions of the siege of the Alamo reflected perceptions of Mexican migrants at the time the films were produced and generally encourages them to approach media critically. Topics discussed include the film "Birth of a Nation" directed by D.W. Griffith, the role of discussion in education, and the role of Tejanos in the siege of the Alamo.
