Festival of Madel: A Study of Madelpuranam and Rajaka Caste in Telangana

TitleFestival of Madel: A Study of Madelpuranam and Rajaka Caste in Telangana
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsG. Thirupathi
JournalInternational Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach & Studies

Festivals and Rituals are part of the culture. Cultures of the castes are is closely interwoven with its social structure. Madel is a collective representation of the Rajaka caste and this festival is a collective expression of their caste identity in the larger socio-cultural arena. They celebrate this festival in the memory of first ancestor of their caste. The caste is offering their devotional respects to their idol and in a festive manner. Rajaka's strongly believe that their occupation, cultural identity and socio-economic relations are gift of the Madel. This paper is based on my ethnographic filed work on Rajaka caste in Districts of Telangana state. Rajaka's are perpetuating of their cultural traditions, customs and belief patterns through the festival of Madel and it shows caste wise variations of religious and cultural practices. The rituals are contributing to an evolving sense of castes integrity. Most of the caste lore is not written down but memorized and generations together it is passing through the word of mouth. The cultural history and heritage of the Rajaka caste is representing through the festival of Madel in Telangana region. Still it is a vibrant culture in hereditary occupational practicing castes. This paper aims to investigate the cultural roots of the Rajaka caste and their ancestor Madel. It also examines their rituals and performances of their dependent castes.

Short TitleFestival of Madel