Framed Memories of Berlin:Film, Remembrance and Architecture

TitleFramed Memories of Berlin:Film, Remembrance and Architecture
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsGul Kacmaz Erk, Christopher Wilson

In The City of Collective Memory, urban historian Christina Boyer (1994) defines the image of a city as an abstracted concept, an imaginary (re)constructed form. This urban image is created from many aspects, one of which is the framed and edited views and experiences found in films situated in or about a particular city. In this study, to explore the collective memory of the city of Berlin from an architectural point of view, one film from each of the major historical periods of Berlin since the invention of cinema is examined: pre-WWI, interwar period, the Nazi period, post-WWII, Berlin Wall/Cold [...]

Short TitleFramed Memories of Berlin