The Functioning of the Collective Memory of Lower Silesians Within the Multicultural Community of Borne Sulinowo

TitleThe Functioning of the Collective Memory of Lower Silesians Within the Multicultural Community of Borne Sulinowo
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsAndrzej Moniak

In the context of multiculturalism, the processes of seeking and creating of collective identity of the local community are quite specifi c. In these processes, it is the collective memory that plays a major role as a deciding and organizing factor of the integration of the community at all levels. A town unique – Borne Sulinowo – has existed within the state borders for only 21 years now. In the past, it was a military base of for the Third Reich, and aft er the World War II, it served as a military base for Soviet Army. Th e community [...]