Germans as Victims? Thoughts on a Post-Cold War History of World War II's Legacies

TitleGermans as Victims? Thoughts on a Post-Cold War History of World War II's Legacies
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsRobert G. Moeller
JournalHistory and Memory

Some fifty years after the end of WWII, many Germans, including leading politicians, public intellectuals, architects, journalists, writers and historians discussed the most effective way to memorialize the Holocuast, mourn Jewish victims of the Nazi state and signify to themselves and the rest of the world that the Nazi attempt to kill all European Jews was central to any complete account of modern German history. Moeller takes as its starting point the "politics of the past" in the present and the overwhelming evidence that many Germans are seeking ways to lay their dead to rest and find a place in their history for the devastation that WWII brought to Germany.

Short TitleGermans as Victims?