Handbook of Culture and Memory

TitleHandbook of Culture and Memory
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2017
Series TitleFrontiers in Culture and Psychology
Number of Pages360
PublisherOxford University Press
CityOxford, New York
ISBN Number978-0-19-023082-1

In the Handbook of Culture and Memory, Brady Wagoner and his team of international contributors explore how memory is deeply entwined with social relationships, stories in film and literature, group history, ritual practices, material artifacts, and a host of other cultural devices. Culture is seen as the medium through which people live and make meaning of their lives. In this book, analyses focus on the mutual constitution of people's memories and the social-cultural worlds to which they belong.The complex relationship between culture and memory is explored in: the concept of memory and its relation to evolution, neurology and history; life course changes in memory from its development in childhood to its decline in old age; and the national and transnational organization of collective memory and identity through narratives propagated in political discourse, the classroom, and the media.

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