H.I.J.O.S. en Argentina. La emergencia de prácticas y discursos en la lucha por la memoria, la verdad y la justicia. (Spanish)

TitleH.I.J.O.S. en Argentina. La emergencia de prácticas y discursos en la lucha por la memoria, la verdad y la justicia. (Spanish)
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsNazareno Bravo
JournalH.I.J.O.S. in Argentina. The Emergence of Practices and Discourses in the Struggle for Memory, Truth, and Justice. (English)

This article takes an analytical look at the political experience of the human rights group H.I.J.O.S. in Argentina. It also looks into the relationship between the tasks of human rights organizations and the construction of narratives and social consensuses about the last military dictatorship the country lived through (1976-1983) and its consequences today. In addition, the author fundamentally analyzes aspects of emerging political practices, outstanding among which is the escrache, a mobilization in which demonstrators go to the home or workpla-ce of someone they want to denounce, using a qualitative perspective and the tools offered by the sociology of politics and culture. (English)
