How many types of forgetting? Comments on Connerton (2008)

TitleHow many types of forgetting? Comments on Connerton (2008)
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsIneke Wessel, Michelle L. Moulds
JournalMemory Studies
ISSN1750-6980, 1750-6999

In his Memory Studies article `Seven Types of Forgetting', Connerton argues that forgetting on a cultural level is not a unitary phenomenon and that at least seven distinct types can be distinguished. In this commentary, we explore the potential utility of an alternative conceptualization from a psychology perspective. More specifically, we consider how a theoretical framework on individual autobiographical memory may be employed as a metaphor for exploring Connerton's ideas about the forgetting of cultural groups. This metaphor concentrates on commonalities rather than differences between the types of forgetting proposed.

Short TitleHow many types of forgetting?