Industrial Heritage and their Legacies: “Memento non mori: Remember you shall not die”

TitleIndustrial Heritage and their Legacies: “Memento non mori: Remember you shall not die”
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsSunniva Sutestad, Saruhan Mosler
JournalProcedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences

This paper will explore the possibilities of reactivating the disused site of Coryton Oil Refinery in Thurrock, UK as a cultural heritage site through analysis of its relationship with landscape, people and their interrelated processes. The oil refinery was closed in 2012, leaving behind an impressive 586 acres of industrial as well as cultural history. The tangible and intangible factors effected by the industrial sites, as well as people's perceptions and awareness towards industrial heritage as places of production, collective and personal memory and place identity will be investigated in this research paper.

Short TitleIndustrial Heritage and their Legacies
Alternate JournalConservation of Architectural Heritage (CAH)