Lampião, Luiz and Padim Ciço: Three icons of the Brazilian Northeast

TitleLampião, Luiz and Padim Ciço: Three icons of the Brazilian Northeast
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsGerald Greenfield
JournalMemory Studies
ISSN1750-6980, 1750-6999

This article focuses on the collective memory within the Brazilian Northeast of three iconic figures, a renowned bandit, a miracle-working priest and a famous singer, identifying and analyzing the attributes that account for their status as regional heroes. It suggests that these attributes form a counter-narrative that casts them as champions of the powerless and victims of injustice, themes that resonate among and reflect the lived experience of the northeast’s masses. This element of resistance later served as a regional counter-narrative to a dominant national history that derogated the Northeast.

Short TitleLampião, Luiz and Padim Ciço