The Lost Cause is Not Fake History

TitleThe Lost Cause is Not Fake History
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsAuthor Kevin Levin

The video below featuring historian Eric Foner accompanied a recent piece on CNN’s website that offered some observations about the attempt to distance race from the 2016 election and the Lost Cause narrative of the Civil War. The article itself is not very helpful. The author attempts to make way too many points across too broad a period of time. None of them is explored in sufficient detail. More below on this.The video below featuring historian Eric Foner accompanied a recent piece on CNN’s website that offered some observations about the attempt to distance race from the 2016 election and the Lost Cause narrative of the Civil War.Before there was fake news, the Lost Cause propagandists were creating fake history.The Lost Cause was recycled in early 20th century films like D.W.Part of it was embarrassment.The Lost Cause was not a collective act of self deception or even primarily an attempt to deceive others.