Manufactured memory: Memory work and resistance concerning the public past of an organization

TitleManufactured memory: Memory work and resistance concerning the public past of an organization
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsJukka Rintamäki
JournalAcademy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings

An organization's past determines how we view that organization. But can we really trust publicly shared organizational pasts? Who gets to decide them? In this paper, I investigate the struggle for the collective memory of a former IT start- up; the ways in which powerful representatives of the former firm attempted to concoct a shared memory of the organization, and how former members of the organization attempted to resist such efforts. I illustrate that it is indeed possible for a powerful actor to manufacture a publicly shared collective memory of an organization, and highlight ways in which other actors - namely, former employees - attempted to resist the formation of such a memory. The study has implications for researchers and practitioners.

Short TitleManufactured memory