Memory, Commemoration & Identity in an Ancient City: The Case of Aphrodisias

TitleMemory, Commemoration & Identity in an Ancient City: The Case of Aphrodisias
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsAngelos1 Chaniotis

The ancient Greek city of Aphrodisias in Asia Minor presents abundant source material-inscriptions and images-for the study of memory and identity from the late second century BCE to the seventh century CE. These sources permit the study of overlapping civic, social, and religious identities, the expression of changing identities through name changes, the significance of memories of war and foundation legends for the transmission of collective and cultural memory, the agency of elite benefactors and intellectuals, the role played by inscriptions in the construction and transmission of memory, and the adaptation of identity to changing contexts, including emerging contacts with Rome, competition with other cities, an elevated position as provincial capital, and the spread of Christianity. In late antiquity-when the importance of religious conflicts increased-personal names, religious symbols, and acclamations became an important medium for the expression of the identity of competing religious groups.

Short TitleMemory, Commemoration & Identity in an Ancient City