National Anniversaries in Greece

TitleNational Anniversaries in Greece
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsParaskevi Golia, Ifigenia Vamvakidou, Sophia Anastasiadou, Argyris Kyridis
JournalInternational Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities & Nations
Call Number25051516

The ideological treatment of Human Sciences and the ‘narcissist’ perception of the Greek state constitute the specific features of the Greek social and political system. School, as a fundamental social institution and a dominant ideological state mechanism, is engaged both as an establishment and as a network of practices and special methods in order to serve national goals. Curricula, textbooks, teaching methods, school management, parades and festivities are mechanisms employed by schools in order to attain ‘national’ goals. In the present study, we aim at discussing Greek teachers' viewpoints about the role of national celebrations. More specifically, the study is based on the written answers to questions-statements of a Likert's five grade given by 433 primary school teachers during the academic year 2003-04. The corpus of data was analyzed on the basis of Factor Analysis, which enables the understanding of the response patterns of the social subjects-teachers and facilitates the identification of the variables that distinguish each factor and contribute to its development. The results indicated the predominance of ethnocentric attitudes and the necessity of organizing national celebrations. Only a few ideological variances were observed.