Nationalism and Cultural Memory in Poland: The European Union Turns East

TitleNationalism and Cultural Memory in Poland: The European Union Turns East
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsGerhard Wagner
JournalInternational Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society
ISSN0891-4486, 1573-3416

The eastern expansion of the European Union confronts the process of European integration with the phenomenon of cultural and ethnic nationalism. This paper examines the situation of Poland, using Jan Assmann's theory of cultural memory to reconstruct the historical dimension of Polish nationalism which underlies the current constructions of the Polish nation. Understanding itself as the antemurale Europae christianiae, Poland owns an old tradition of resistance. This tradition allowed this country to survive times of division and oppression but now turns against the European Union.

Short TitleNationalism and Cultural Memory in Poland