Nationalism and nostalgia: the case of radical Basque nationalism

TitleNationalism and nostalgia: the case of radical Basque nationalism
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsDiego Muro
JournalNations & Nationalism

This article argues that the myth of the Golden Age is a key mobilising element within radical Basque nationalism. By using an ethno-symbolist approach, this article argues that nostalgia, a catchword for looking back, usually relates to an idealised past. It then proceeds to explain how ETA in particular has domesticated the past to justify its political violence which is currently exalted as a means of honouring the fighting spirit of their ancestors. From this perspective, violence is presented as a redemptive act that can stop the decay of the Basque nation and bring a new political future in which the inspiring ancient virtues will be rediscovered. This nostalgic gaze upon the past continually ‘reminds’ radical Basque nationalists of an imaginary, yet familiar, past which can only be regained by using revolutionary violence.

Short TitleNationalism and nostalgia