Notes to the Old Country: Body, Memory and Autobiographic Text - Israel September/October 2000

TitleNotes to the Old Country: Body, Memory and Autobiographic Text - Israel September/October 2000
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsLouise Bethlehem
JournalHAGAR: Studies in Culture, Polity & Identities

The article presents notes from several authors about Israel and on various issues related to social sciences. Sociologist-turned-psychoanalyst Jeff Prager averred that memory is never separated from social and temporal factors and is a vital part of the developmental process. Autobiography reader Gillian Whitlock stated that postcolonial criticism can bring a sense of agency to the reader and an urgency of reading. Whitlock further added that autobiographic writing is connected to a continuing process of authorization to capture the reader. Dagmar Lorenz-Meyer cited Maurice Merleau-Ponty's argument on phantom limb which is perceived as present despite its amputation. The author also described Ashis Nandy who stood in Jerusalem and performed an act that reflected modernity.

Short TitleNotes to the Old Country