The Partition of Bengal : fragile borders and new identities /

TitleThe Partition of Bengal : fragile borders and new identities /
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsDebjani,, author. Sengupta
PublisherCambridge University Press
ISBN Number978-1-316-67405-5

This study looks at the rich literature that has been spawned through the historical imagination of Bengali-speaking writers in West Bengal and Bangladesh through issues of homelessness, migration and exile to see how the Partition of Bengal in 1947 has thrown a long shadow over memories and cultural practices. Through a rich trove of literary and other materials, the book lays bare how the Partition has been remembered or how it has been forgotten. For the first time, hitherto untranslated archival materials and texts in Bangla have been put together to assess the impact of 1947 on the cultural memory of Bangla-speaking peoples and communities. This study contends that there is not one but many smaller partitions that women and men suffered, each with its own textures of pain, guilt and affirmation.

Short TitleThe Partition of Bengal