The reconciliation process in Kosovo: under the shadow of ethnic primordialist manipulation

TitleThe reconciliation process in Kosovo: under the shadow of ethnic primordialist manipulation
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsMichaela Strapacova
JournalJournal of Balkan & Near Eastern Studies

This paper discusses the challenges of the reconciliation process influenced by the primordialist attitude to interethnic relations in Kosovo society between the majority community of Albanians and the largest minority group, the Serbs. The framing of the approach to ethnic identity at the most general level affects possible outcomes as well as future prospects for how much improvement may be expected in interethnic relations. The aim of the research is to critically interpret obstacles demonstrated in the stereotyped collective memories that have penetrated public and private everyday life and which are transferred, via the education system, to future generations. This further complicates the opportunity to find common ground with members of the other ethnic group.

Short TitleThe reconciliation process in Kosovo