Remembering 1968 in Mexico: Elena Poniatowska's La noche de Tlatelolco as Documentary Narrative

TitleRemembering 1968 in Mexico: Elena Poniatowska's La noche de Tlatelolco as Documentary Narrative
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of PublicationSubmitted
AuthorsChristopher Harris
JournalBulletin of Latin American Research

This article considers Elena Poniatowska's La noche de Tlatelolco[ Massacre in Mexico] as an example of documentary narrative. It examines the narrative strategies she uses to articulate a tripartite interpretation of the events of 2 October 1968. First, it argues that Poniatowska's text represents the Tlatelolco massacre as a crime against humanity constituted by multiple abuses of human rights. Second, the text is shown to expose the cover-up that occurred as a result of the deliberate manipulation of information by the Mexican state. Third, from a more positive perspective, it is argued that the text represents Tlatelolco as a milestone in the ongoing struggle for democracy. Overall, attention is drawn to the importance of Poniatowska's text in the construction of cultural memory as a counter to official history in narrative representations of this particular trauma in Mexican history.

Short TitleRemembering 1968 in Mexico