The Role of Freedom Park in Facilitating Reconciliation in South Africa : A Site for Cultural Heritage Education and Political Tourism

TitleThe Role of Freedom Park in Facilitating Reconciliation in South Africa : A Site for Cultural Heritage Education and Political Tourism
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsTembeka Ngcebetsha
PublisherThe Edwin Mellen Press
CityLewiston, NY
ISBN Number978-1-4955-0465-5

“This timely and illuminating, scholarly publication outlines the history of carrying out the mandate of reconciliation with remarkable detail and clarity… Reconciling a people with a past which is characterized by gross human rights violations is very complex. It can be a mammoth task, which can take many decades to be accomplished, even for an institution that has a clear mandate of reconciliation, such as Freedom Park.”

Short TitleThe Role of Freedom Park in Facilitating Reconciliation in South Africa