From Settlers to Strays: white Zimbabwean women, historical memory and belonging in the diaspora c. 1980–2010

TitleFrom Settlers to Strays: white Zimbabwean women, historical memory and belonging in the diaspora c. 1980–2010
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsKate1 Law
JournalWomen's History Review

Based on interviews with thirty women, this article examines white attitudes to the coming of Zimbabwe's independence in 1980. As it details, many of the interviewees construct problematic versions of the past, foregrounding what Annie E. Coombes has termed the ‘deceptively benign’ nature of settler colonialism. Through an examination of the context in which the interviews were conducted, the article comments on the mobilisation of certain post-colonial narratives regarding Zimbabwe's recent past. By examining the voices of some of Southern Africa's ‘orphans of empire', it engages with existing literatures on white women and empire, settler colonialism and diaspora studies.

Short TitleFrom Settlers to Strays