Snapshots from the Past. School Images on the Web and the Construction of the Collective Memory of Schools

TitleSnapshots from the Past. School Images on the Web and the Construction of the Collective Memory of Schools
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsMarta Brunelli

The aim of the chapter is to provide an initial qualitative analysis of the role that the school images play on the Web 2.0. Through social media, in fact, the intrinsic social-relational funcion of school photographs seems to amplify by calatysing the web users' interests, evoking shared memories, building connections between people and giving birth to e-communities - just in virtue of the historic photos' potential to create an emotional and multi-sensory connection between people and what is called Past, even in the dematerializations and rematerializations of digital environments, as sociological and anthropological research has highlighted. Through significant example and [...]