Thou Uncracked Keel: The Many Voyages of the Whaleship Charles W. Morgan and the Presence of the American Maritime Past

TitleThou Uncracked Keel: The Many Voyages of the Whaleship Charles W. Morgan and the Presence of the American Maritime Past
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsJason W. Smith
JournalNew England Quarterly

An essay is presented that discusses the whaleship Charles W. Morgan as a ship of public memory and its significance in U.S. maritime history. It examines how public memory of the ship has been preserved and enhanced by institutions such as the Mystic Seaport Museum (MSM), the history of the Charles W. Morgan, and efforts to save the ship. The article also discusses the significance of the organization the Maritime Historical Association (MHA).

Short TitleThou Uncracked Keel