A (Trans) National Site of Remembrance The Former Nazi Party Rally Grounds in Nuremberg

TitleA (Trans) National Site of Remembrance The Former Nazi Party Rally Grounds in Nuremberg
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsInge Manka
JournalGerman Politics & Society
Call Number36638530

During the course of the 2006 Soccer World Cup, Germans started to celebrate a “new patriotism.” As the construction of national identity is inseparable in Germany from the Nazi past, this occurrence can be considered an indicator of an altered relationship to this past. This article examines these changes by focusing on a nationally recognized site of remembrance, the former Nazi Party Rally Grounds in Nuremberg, where five matches of the World Cup were played. The convergence of site and event evokes contradictions and ambiguities, such as the encounter of the opposed needs of sports and remembrance at the same location. It shows what problems arise at a site of national collective memory today, when the role of the national collective is challenged by developments like European integration, migration within and to Europe, and the on-going effects of globalization.
