Travel movies and the creation of a global memory: The cases of Lisbon and Granada

TitleTravel movies and the creation of a global memory: The cases of Lisbon and Granada
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsJoão Mascarenhas-Mateus, Francisco Salvador-Ventura
JournalInternational Journal of Iberian Studies
Call Number74573781

Images of cities as an expression of the identity of cultures and peoples are part of a memory file of the globalized world. These images are made up of consolidated stereotypes and new elements, in part resulting from film productions of various kinds and with different objectives. This article discusses the cases of Granada and Lisbon through the first American travel movies dedicated to them (1920-1960), a genre of films that helped to create an 'image of the world' throughout much of the twentieth century. The context of the development of these film productions and the partly common mechanisms they employed is addressed, shaping the global memory of these two emblematic cities of the Iberian peninsula.

Short TitleTravel movies and the creation of a global memory