Witnessing Violence: Making the Invisible Visible

TitleWitnessing Violence: Making the Invisible Visible
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1995
AuthorsJohn K. Holton
JournalJournal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved

Abstract Abstract:In his novel of Black life circa the 1950s, Invisible Man, Ralph Ellison laid bare the wasteful, destructive societal consequences of racism. At the close of the 20th century, we are faced with the phenomenon of another social problem, likewise unresolved and likely to haunt us similarly: urban violence. Following Ellison's example, this paper seeks to explore the impact of violence's stark invisibility by discussing a research strategy that better explains the terrifying phenomenon of violence. In order to comprehend the totality of violence, macro- and micro-level variables have to be introduced into the research design and measured over time. Therefore, research might best address violence if it was designed to include variables of poverty and racism, and was more inclusive of research from a broader range of scientific disciplines.

Short TitleWitnessing Violence
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