Meet with Raoul Kitungano, Jeffrey Wambaya, Mulshid Muwonge, Betty Lee Odur and Samuel Matsikure, 2016 participants in the Human Rights Advocates Program at the Institute for the Study of Human Rights.
Past Events
Carlos Santos is the founder and president of the Salvadorian Association for Survivors of Torture, an association that gives psychological care to survivors of torture and their families and investigates various human rights abuses.
In his newest book, Henry Rousso, one of the first historians to have worked on the memory of collective historical traumas, examines recent developments in the uses and politics of memory in France, and shows how these phenomena must also be considered within a broader European and global contex
Join us for a "meet and greet" with the participants in the 2016 Human Rights Advocates Program (HRAP).
The HRAP Advocates represent eight different countries and have extensive expertise in human rights field as well as years of in the field experience.
A conversation with Bonita Bennett of the District Six Museum, Cape Town, South Africa and Maria Jose Kahn Silva of the ESMA Memory Site, Buenos Aires, Argentina.