Join us for a discussion with Professor Inga Winkler on the UN Special Procedures, an integral part of the international human rights machinery. Dr. Winkler is the former Legal Advisor to the UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights to Water and Sanitation, Catarina de Albuquerque.
Past Events
Are you considering a major/concentration in human rights? Interested in learning more about academic requirements, course advising, and opportunities for human rights students?
Come to the UHRP human rights major and concentration info session for undergraduate students.
A talk with Geraldine Ann Patrick Encina and Mindahi Crescencio Bastida Muñoz.
As faculty and students return to campus,ISHR welcomes the 2016 HRAP Advocates, AHDA Fellows, the Visiting Scholars, HRSMA students and all those engaged with its programs with a wine and hors d’oeuvrereception.
Please join us!
Join us for a discussion with Dr. James Waller on his new book, which explores a fascinating set of strategies to prevent genocide from taking place; to prevent further atrocities once genocide is occurring; and to prevent future atrocities once a society has begun to rebuild after genocide.