Past Events
Become a founding member of Columbia University's chapter of the new national student campaign for US cooperation with the International Criminal Court.
Join to show your support for international justice, gain advocacy experience, and help organize with schools around the country.
The Columbia Aging Center presents its Spring 2017 Distinguished Lecture by Carol D. Ryff (University of Wisconsin-Madision): "Unequal Lives and Aging: What Do We Know and What Do We Need to Know"
Lunchtime discussion with Pascal Brice, the Director General of the French Office for Refugees and Stateless Persons. Mr. Brice will speak about the opportunities and challenges of welcoming refugees in France and Europe.
Winners of the Human Rights Essay Contest along with other selected participants are invited to present their papers and discuss their human rights research with faculty and fellow students. Please join us and add your perspective to the discussion.
Confirmed Presenters: