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During this event, human rights educators will discuss how they plan to address anticipated challenges and opportunities with respect to teaching after the 2020 U.S. elections.
A Conversation with participants in ISHR's Human Rights Advocates Program: -Aigerim Kamidola (She/Her) is Legal Advocacy Officer at Feminita, a grassroots queer feminist initiative in Kazakhstan
A number of complex questions arise when it comes to elections and Indigenous Peoples. Disenfranchisement has taken different forms for different groups in this country. It has also had different historical roots, settler-colonial, social, political roots and legal/constitutional roots.
This discussion, part of our Human Rights Alumni Speaker series, will look into human rights implementation in international headquarters and in the field, to gain insight into how, and where, to best make a difference.
Date: 13 October, 2020 at 16:00-17:30 CEST
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