Thursday, February 29, 12:00pm - 1:00pm (EST) 1180 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, 10027, NY, USA, Room; Fayerweather 513Join the Committee on Global Thought on February 29th, noon to 1pm, for SMOKESCREENS: Human Rights, (Third) World Literature, and the Struggle Against Neoliberalism—A Lunchtime Seminar with Joseph Slaughter. REGISTRATION/CALENDAR LINK: This seminar will discuss Slaughter’s analysis of the intertwined histories of the rise of neoliberalism and our contemporary human rights language through Julio Cortázar’s Fantomas versus the Multinational Vampires (1975). The superhero comic about a corporate plot to destroy the world’s libraries reflects on Cortázar’s participation in the Second Russell Tribunal that ultimately condemned Latin American dictatorships, the U.S. administration, and multinational corporations for “crimes against humanity,” using the language of human rights to name the economic, social, and cultural violence of a nascent neoliberalism. For more information about the seminar, save this event to your calendar or email Click below to registerEvent link