'Talkin' 'bout my generation': conflicts of generation building and Europe's '1968' Anna Von der Goltz. 2011. 'Talkin' 'bout my generation': conflicts of generation building and Europe's '1968'.
Review of 'Challenging dominant discourses of the past: 1968 and the value of oral history', Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Warwick, 23 February 2011 S. Varriale. 2013. Review of 'Challenging dominant discourses of the past: 1968 and the value of oral history', Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Warwick, 23 February 2011. Memory Studies. 6(1):105-107.
Making sense of East Germany’s 1968: Multiple trajectories and contrasting memories Anna Von der Goltz. 2013. Making sense of East Germany’s 1968: Multiple trajectories and contrasting memories. Memory Studies. 6(1):53-69.
Utopia and conflict in the oral testimonies of French 1968 activists Robert Gildea. 2013. Utopia and conflict in the oral testimonies of French 1968 activists. Memory Studies. 6(1):37-52.
Autobiographies of a generation? Carolyn Steedman, Luisa Passerini and the memory of 1968 Joseph Maslen. 2013. Autobiographies of a generation? Carolyn Steedman, Luisa Passerini and the memory of 1968 Memory Studies. 6(1):23-36.
Presa della parola: A review and discussion of oral history and the Italian 1968 Bruno Bonomo. 2013. Presa della parola: A review and discussion of oral history and the Italian 1968. Memory Studies. 6(1):7-22.