Doing media history in a digital age: change and continuity in historiographical practices Helle Strandgaard Jensen. 2016. Doing media history in a digital age: change and continuity in historiographical practices. Media, Culture & Society. 38(1):119-128.
Libraries and digital memory Bruce Massis. 2016. Libraries and digital memory. New Library World. 117(9/10):673-676.
Working with migrants' memories in Italy: The Lampedusa dump Alessandro Triulzi. 2016. Working with migrants' memories in Italy: The Lampedusa dump. Crossings: Journal of Migration & Culture. 7(2):149-163.
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Cartographers : a practice based investigation on memory, conflict and the aerial image Valentina Bonizzi. 2016. Cartographers : a practice based investigation on memory, conflict and the aerial image.
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The Laws of Memory: The ICTY, the Archive, and Transitional Justice Kirsten Campbell. 2013. The Laws of Memory: The ICTY, the Archive, and Transitional Justice. Social & Legal Studies. 22(2):247-269.
Beyond the Archive: Cultural Memory in Dance and Theater Carol L. Bernstein. 2007. Beyond the Archive: Cultural Memory in Dance and Theater. Journal of Research Practice. 3(2):1-14.
Curse of the mummy: Oral affliction or archival aphasia Susan Schuppli. 2008. Curse of the mummy: Oral affliction or archival aphasia. Memory Studies. 1(2):167-185.