Artistic and activist memory-work: Approaching place-based practice Karen E. Till. 2008. Artistic and activist memory-work: Approaching place-based practice. Memory Studies. 1(1):99-113.
Moving through Time and Space: Performing Bodies in Derry, Northern Ireland Brian Conway. 2007. Moving through Time and Space: Performing Bodies in Derry, Northern Ireland. Journal of Historical Sociology. 20(1-2):102–125.
Painful memories: Chronic pain as a form of re-membering Tess Burton. 2011. Painful memories: Chronic pain as a form of re-membering. Memory Studies. 4(1):23-32.
Artistic and Activist Memory-Work: Approaching Place-Based Practice Karen E. Till. 2008. Artistic and Activist Memory-Work: Approaching Place-Based Practice. Memory Studies. 1(1):99-113.