Children’s Eyewitness Memory for Multiple Real-Life Events Timothy N. Odegard, Crystal M. Cooper, James M. Lampinen, Valerie F. Reyna, Charles J. Brainerd. 2009. Children’s Eyewitness Memory for Multiple Real-Life Events. Child Development. 80(6):1877-1890.
My Memory, Myself: The Role of Culture in Memory and Self-Identity Clare Ulrich. 2004. My Memory, Myself: The Role of Culture in Memory and Self-Identity. Human Ecology. 32(1):2-5.
Virtue in Despair: A Family History from the Days of the Kindertransports Michael Geyer. 2005. Virtue in Despair: A Family History from the Days of the Kindertransports. History and Memory. 17(1/2):323-365,367.