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Memory's Orbit: Film and Culture 1999-2000 Joseph Natoli. 2003. Memory's Orbit: Film and Culture 1999-2000.
Homer Meets the Coen Brothers: Memory as Artistic Pastiche in O Brother, Where Art Thou? Margaret M. Toscano. 2009. Homer Meets the Coen Brothers: Memory as Artistic Pastiche in O Brother, Where Art Thou? Film & History: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Film and Television Studies. 39(2):49-62.
The paradoxes of film and the recovery of historical memory: Vicente Aranda’s works on the Spanish Civil War Stephen Schwartz. 2008. The paradoxes of film and the recovery of historical memory: Vicente Aranda’s works on the Spanish Civil War. Film History: An International Journal. 20(4):501-507.
"The Truth of a Mad Man": Collective Memory and Representation of the Holocaust in The Partisans of Vilna (1986) and the Documentary Genre Scott C. Zeman, Mark Chasins Samuels. 2002. "The Truth of a Mad Man": Collective Memory and Representation of the Holocaust in The Partisans of Vilna (1986) and the Documentary Genre. Film & History: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Film and Television Studies. 32(1):38-42.