Collective Memory and Crisis The 2002 Bali Bombing, National Heroic Archetypes and the Counter-Narrative of Cosmopolitan Nationalism Brad West. 2008. Collective Memory and Crisis The 2002 Bali Bombing, National Heroic Archetypes and the Counter-Narrative of Cosmopolitan Nationalism. Journal of Sociology. 44(4):337-353.
Memory and Material Culture Fiona Kerlogue. 2011. Memory and Material Culture. Indonesia & the Malay World. 39(113):89-101.
The Appearances of Memory: Mnemonic Practices of Architecture and Urban Form in Indonesia Abidin Kusno. 2010. The Appearances of Memory: Mnemonic Practices of Architecture and Urban Form in Indonesia.
‘Not a colonial war’: Dutch film propaganda in the fight against Indonesia, 1945–49 Gerda Jansen Hendriks. 2012. ‘Not a colonial war’: Dutch film propaganda in the fight against Indonesia, 1945–49. Journal of Genocide Research. 14(3/4):403-418.
On genocide and mass violence in colonial Indonesia Remco Raben. 2012. On genocide and mass violence in colonial Indonesia. Journal of Genocide Research. 14(3/4):485-502.
Colonial memory and forgetting in the Netherlands and Indonesia Paul Bijl. 2012. Colonial memory and forgetting in the Netherlands and Indonesia. Journal of Genocide Research. 14(3/4):441-461.
Memory Studies and Human Rights in Indonesia Katharine E. McGregor. 2013. Memory Studies and Human Rights in Indonesia. Asian Studies Review. 37(3):350-361.
Competitive or multidirectional memory? The interaction between postwar and postcolonial memory in the Netherlands Iris Van Ooijen, Ilse Raaijmakers. 2012. Competitive or multidirectional memory? The interaction between postwar and postcolonial memory in the Netherlands Journal of Genocide Research. 14(3/4):463-483.