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does making one’s scholarly mark mean transplanting the shoulders of giants elsewhere? Author Katherine Chen. 2016. does making one’s scholarly mark mean transplanting the shoulders of giants elsewhere?
does making one’s scholarly mark mean transplanting the shoulders of giants elsewhere? Author Katherine Chen. 2016. does making one’s scholarly mark mean transplanting the shoulders of giants elsewhere?
does making one’s scholarly mark mean transplanting the shoulders of giants elsewhere? Author Katherine Chen. 2016. does making one’s scholarly mark mean transplanting the shoulders of giants elsewhere?
On the Potential of Norbert Elias's Approach in the Social Memory Research in Central and Eastern Europe Marta Bucholc. 2013. On the Potential of Norbert Elias's Approach in the Social Memory Research in Central and Eastern Europe. Polish Sociological Review. (183):317-334.
The changing faces of heroines: Korean women in folklore Mikyoung Kim. 2013. The changing faces of heroines: Korean women in folklore. Memory Studies. 6(2):218-231.
Thomas Reid on Memory René van. Woudenberg. 1999. Thomas Reid on Memory. Journal of the History of Philosophy. 37(1):117-133.
What Is Africa to Me? Knowledge Possession, Knowledge Production, and the Health of Our Bodies Politic in Africa and the Africa Diaspora Abena P. A. Busia. 2006. What Is Africa to Me? Knowledge Possession, Knowledge Production, and the Health of Our Bodies Politic in Africa and the Africa Diaspora African Studies Review. 49(1):15-30.
A Disturbing and Alien Memory: Southern Novelists Writing History Douglas L Mitchell. 2008. A Disturbing and Alien Memory: Southern Novelists Writing History. :264.